Design 3A: Design for the Digital Realm

Week 2


Monday, In Class

  • Connect your Rhizome Net Art entry to our Rhizome Net Art channel. Make sure to include a link to the project and be prepared to present for about 5 minutes, considering what you liked about the piece and what you feel is culturally significant about the artwork. presentation order: Kyndall, Conor, Matt, Kevin, Eric, Byron (break) Alexa, Pauline, Ed, Fred, Shreya, Kyle
  • Activity Type in Motion with after effects demo
  • Work session for the activity
  • Studio time for project 1 with presentations of current work to small groups


  • Spend 1 to 2 hours to complete the Type in Motion poster and save it to to the google drive, making sure you followed the specifications for the assignment.
  • First draft of P1: Exhibition is due – complete a working prototype (could be a website or draft movie). We’ll present these next class.
  • Read History of Computer Net Art by Thomas Dreher and add a discussion question to the channel