Design 3A: Design for the Digital Realm

Week 6


Monday, In Class


  • Spend at least 2 to 3 hours working on Project 2.
  • Start with refining your idea based on today’s feedback and extending your research and figuring out your content. Create a written outline (google doc, paper doc) with ideas for the content of your site. Be sure to organize it into different sections, you’ll continue adding to it as you develop the project. You can consider this a blueprint for the site you’re going to create – consider all the different pages you’ll need, then you can translate this into a loose wireframe before you begin designing.
  • Come to class with an initial mock up of your website in Figma/Sketch. You should have at least 3 different sections sketched out with a high level of fidelity.
  • Read Visible Wisdom – Muriel Cooper and connect a discussion question to the readings board